Atlantic Divers 2024 Wreck Diving Adventure Schedule!

The best of North Atlantic Wreck Diving!
You can now register online for your next wreck diving adventure:

Atlantic Divers "The Serious Wreck Diver's Choice!

The voyage begins here for your underwater adventures. 
Atlantic Divers is your first step into the deep for the novice or the serious wreck diver.  We offer an introduction into basic fundamentals of scuba diving with continued elevated levels of training for those divers that want to pursue the ultimate exploration of more exotic wrecks and less ventured to wreck sites off the North Atlantic Coast.
 This unique adventure for experienced divers and campers explores rarely visited shipwrecks and islands of North Atlantic waters. Mandatory self-reliant skills in and above water for this arduous expedition. Hundreds of ships struck the rocks coming into Halifax Harbour. Incredibly, ships lie on top of ships on many of the rocks.  To get a sense of the scale of these shoals, the rocks range in size from that of a house to an underwater mountain range. These ledges bear cautionary names like, Mad Rock, Black Rock, Shag Rock, The Bull, Broad Breaker, Devils Rock and more.  One such ledge, just below the surface, is a notorious obstruction at the mouth of the harbor known as “Blind Sisters Ledge”.  These barricades are above the surface or obscured by boiling waves at low tide. At high tide, they remain hidden below the surface, especially when the sea is calm. In foggy weather, they are a treacherous obstacle for captains and pilots entering the harbor.  W E/S 70 -150 feet

 Drysuit divers with advanced certification will enjoy the scenic ledges of the entrance of Halifax Harbor. The historic waters are festoon with war casualties, collisions and strandings numbering over 400 sites on the outcropping of island and rocks. Seals, whales, sunfish, and numerous species proliferate the area. A photographer's dream in the limitless visibility.
Call to register today. Limited Spots.: 

The Truk Lagoon of the North Atlantic!
Newfoundland -Atlantic Divers 2024
Land and Under the Sea Adventure
September 7 to 14, 2024
On land adventure package—5 days of non-diving activities. Perfect for the non-diving partners. Land lubbers can choose from any of the tour options available during the time of stay. See the Tours section of the Ocean Quest Adventures website for more details.

 • Adventure and Dive Combo—For those travelers who want the BEST of both worlds. Pick 5 days of activities diving or non-diving.

Atlantic Divers

"The Oldest Name in New Jersey Wreck Diving!