SCUBA FALL 2024 Upcoming Classes and Events for Wrecksters!

Up Coming Classes Atlantic Divers Click here

Upcoming Classes and Events for Wrecksters!

Extended Range and Decompression 

Begin your adventure here! Starts in October. Call to get on the list. 

Open water I Basic SCUBA 

 September 10, Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Scuba Class Start Registration and orientation at the shop.

For more information click here!

DRYSUITs for warmer and safer diving! 

September 19, 5 p.m. Join Atlantic Divers for an evening of drysuit discussion with 
Joe Stellini of Huish, Manufacturers of Bare Drysuits.

Are you cold? Get the latest updates on choices for underwater thermal protection and drysuits. Make your local waters accessible and your cold-water diving safer. Incentives will be offered for those that attend. No charge but you must call to get on the attendance list. (609) 884-0330

Advanced and (Introduction to wreck diving) Nitrox, Dry suit Wednesday, September 11, 5:30 p.m. 

                   For more information click here!

Advanced Rescue 

Call for Fall Classes!
Warm Winter Refresher Florida Trips. Four days of warm, clear water in Central Florida at Blue Grotto, Ginnie Springs, Devils Den, and Crystal River.

Join Atlantic Divers this winter with Underwater guide Tom Stocker Jr. N or for certification.